placa xIcongreso 2021




The XI Ibero-American Congress of Science and Technology Indicators will have as its motto "25 years of RICYT: lessons learned and future challenges" and will analyze the lessons building indicators in Ibero-America during the last 25 years, and update the discussion agenda for the next years. 

XI CONGRESO 2019 A2 2web Mini


The venue will be Lisbon, Portugal. The meeting is organized jointly by the Ibero-American Network of Science and Technology Indicators (RICYT), the Ibero-American Observatory on Science, Technology and Society (OCTS/OEI), the Directorate-General for Education and Science Statistics (DGEEC), the Lisbon University Institute (ISCTE-IUL) and the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) of Portugal.


The Congress will discuss traditional issues related to indicators and extend the scope of the debate to those areas of work that can offer new tools for the analysis of science, technology, innovation and its relationship with society and development in the region,





Manuel Heitor , Ministro da Ciencia, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior do Portugal y María de Lurdes Rodrigues Reitor do Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL) , convidam ao XI Congresso Iberoamericano de indicadores de Ciencia e Tecnologia





The venue of the congress will be the University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE-IUL).


Located at Av. das Armed Forces, 1649-026 Lisbon, Portugal